Eric Hinkle, CPA |
But we can plan for a sound future based on trends, truths and tax law. Eric Hinkle CPA listens to your priorities, and creates tax and business plans to make that future prosperous. Click Here or call to get schedule a consultation.
News & Updates
Do you qualify for any of the recent tax credits? Click HERE to find out.
The IRS will delay accepting 2023 tax returns until the end of January 2024. The business tax filing deadline is March 15, 2024 while all individual, gift and trust returns are due by April 15, 2024. Let's get started today. If you need assistance with filing an extention request to avoid late filing penalties please let me know.
Client Resources
Confused about how long to keep your financial and tax records? Click HERE for my recommendations.
Do you need to share large files securely with me? I am currently using Drop Box and can coordinate sharing any large files with no extra cost to you.
Visit my client resource page for more solutions.
Contact Eric
